Donna Giovenco, RDN, LD, CN, ACSM-CPT

Sports and Human Performance Nutrition

Getting Started

Getting Started

We are three months into 2019 and I am just getting started.

Getting started you ask?
Yes! I am getting started blogging!

This is something I have wanted to do for a while, but fear has held me back. Fear of failure. Fear of no readers. Fear of “this has been done before.” Fear of writing. Fear of creating new topics. Fear of not having enough time to keep up. Fear of acceptance. I could go on and on.

English and writing were my two least favorite subjects in school. I love science and math. My writings may not be English class worthy, but they will be fun, motivational, short and to the point.

Topics will include my passions: all things nutrition, movement, health, wellness, running, women’s health, stress, mom life, to name a few.

I have read plenty of blogs in the past. Blogs are great to pick up and read while we wait: wait for an appointment, wait for our kids to get out of practice, wait for the train to pass, wait for water to boil; you get my drift. I can be impatient. I scroll down the blog page, and if I see it is long, they have lost me. I do not like long blogs.

So I will end it here…for today.

But I am just getting started!